99 10 22 The method of numerical evaluation for intersection point of each curve while making enclosed graph of gears by computer 用计算机绘制齿轮封闭图时各曲线交点的数值计算法
The Treatment of Intersection of Node Pairs in Graph Method 图形法中节点对交叉的处理
In this paper introduced a method of converting the intersection of node pair to the nesting of them, by using the concept of combined node pairs, then the graph method, which simulated the case of nesting of node pairs, can be applied. 本文利用合成节点对的概念将节点对的交叉情况变换成节点对的嵌套情况,然后就可以应用图形法像处理嵌套的情况那样进行模拟。
A study on the base of the intersection of two formal languages and the determination of the base ( whether it is infinite or not) is introduced in this paper using the method of graph theory. 本文利用图论方法研究两种形式语言交集的基,判定其基集的基数是否无限。
In terms of neighborhood intersection with independent number, a new degree sum condition about minimum degree for a graph to be hamiltonian is given in this paper. It is shown that 3-connected graphs G under this condition are Hamilton-connected. 结合关于独立数的邻域交条件,给出了图G为Hamilton图的关于最小度的新度和条件,并且证明了在此种条件下3连通图G是Hamilton连通的。
A Neighborhood Intersection Property and Its Applications in Graph Theory 邻域交的性质及其在图论的应用(英文)泛圈图的邻域并
We propose a new generalization of random intersection graph, whose degree distribution relies on the weights on both vertex sets. 提出了一类广义随机交集图模型,其度分布依赖于两类顶点集的权重,可以产生幂率分布。